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Veteran's Affairs

我们承认并感谢现役军人的贡献和牺牲, Reservists, Guardsmen, Veterans and Dependents have made for our country. 加勒特学院旨在通过提供军事课程来创造一个更好的学习环境, veterans, 和他们的家属在友好的氛围中得到支持和资源. Garrett致力于解决这些学生在进入大学环境时面临的独特问题和挑战. 加勒特致力于回馈那些为国家服务的人以及支持他们的家人.

退伍军人事务部是唯一的资源,可以回答您的个人和具体的GI法案® entitlement questions. We encourage you to call 1-888-GIBILL-1 or visit 无论你的资格如何,你也可能有资格申请其他表格 of Federal and State Financial Aid. To determine eligibility please fill out a FAFSA on line at

Choosing Your GI Bill® Benefits

如果你符合9/11后退伍军人法案®的资格要求 与其他福利类型,如蒙哥马利退伍军人法案®一样,您将被要求 choose which benefit you wish to receive. For some individuals, your choice may be irrevocable. The Post-9/11 GI Bill® may provide a better benefits package in 资格标准,资格期限和财务价值的条款 比较现有的教育福利计划,仍然有效. 然而,最好的方案适合你,如果你有资格接受多重教育 benefit programs, will depend on your individual circumstance. Visit the U.S. 退伍军人事务部的具体申请资格要求 并将这些福利与其他《澳门足球博彩官方网址》提供的福利进行比较.

Information about your benefits

  • Chapter 30 - Montgomery GI Bill®

    蒙哥马利退伍军人法案®(MGIB)通常适用于以下退伍军人 1985年7月1日以后,他第一次开始服现役 他们的工资是否在12个月内每月减少100美元,并获得荣誉勋章 discharge. This bill provides up to 36 months of educational benefits to eligible Veterans. Generally, benefits are payable for 10 years following the Veterans release from active duty
  • Chapter 31 - Vocational Rehabilitation

    职业康复为有以下疾病的军人提供福利 在1940年9月16日或之后服役,并且患有与服役有关的残疾 which is at least 20% disabling as defined by VA. Additionally it must be determined 职业康复是克服就业障碍的必要条件. 符合条件的退伍军人可以享受长达48个月的全职福利. 退伍军人一般有12年的服役期,从他们接到通知之日起算 entitlement to the program to use the benefits. Your Vocational Rehabilitation 咨询师(VRC)将与您一起确定您是否符合权利标准.
  • Chapter 33 - Post 9/11 GI Bill®

    第33章- 9/11后GI法案®提供长达36个月的全职 education benefits. Benefits are generally payable for 15 years following your release from active duty.

    Payments are based on the amount of service you completed after September 10, 2001. You will receive a larger benefit if you served more active duty or mobilization time.


    • Payment for tuition and fees sent directly to the college.
    • Monthly housing allowance.
    • Annual book stipend up to $1,000.

    如果你累计工作满36个月或6个月,你就可以获得最多的福利 现役或连续服役30天以上者 你在九月后因工作致残而被解雇 10, 2001. If you served between 90 days and 36 months of aggregate active 在工作期间,你将有资格获得一定比例的最高福利.

    注:住房津贴和书籍和用品津贴不包括在内 如果您是现役或注册为半全日制学生或以下,则需要支付.

  • Chapter 35 - Dependent/Survivor

    遗属和家属津贴为配偶提供教育津贴 而在服役期间死亡的退伍军人的孩子也因此死亡 与工作有关的残疾,或者完全永久残疾 as a result of their military service. Survivors and dependents are allowed 45 months of full-time benefits. Spouses have 10 years from the date of the 退伍军人的永久和完全伤残等级生效日期或 veteran's death. Dependents' benefits end on their 26th birthday or eight 从退伍军人永久或完全残疾生效之日起计的年数 退伍军人的死亡等级,但家属31岁生日之后不可以. Please visit for additional survivor benefit information. For additional information regarding eligibility, students should contact the U.S. Veterans Affairs Office at 1-800-827-1000.

  • Chapter 1606 - Selective Reserve Educational Assistance

    • Chapter 1606 provides up to 36 months of benefits to members of the selective reserves. This includes the Army, Navy, Air Force, 海军陆战队,海岸警卫队预备队,陆军国民警卫队和空军 Guard. A reservist is allowed 36 months of full-time benefits.

  • Chapter 1607 - Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP)

    储备教育援助计划(第1607章)是可用的 选拔预备队员,个人预备队员 预备役和国民警卫队,并被召入现役 to a war or national emergency. The Department of Defense or Department 国土安全局局长决定资格,但一般来说 Reserve component who serves on active duty on or after September 11, 2001 for at least 90 days is eligible.

Veteran Checklist

  1. Apply for VA Education Benefits.

    美国退伍军人事务部的福利申请可以在网上完成. 您也可以拨打1-888-GI-BILL-1与退伍军人福利顾问交谈,以获得个性化帮助.

  2. Apply for admission to the college.

    Garrett College Applications can be completed online at or contact an Admissions Representative at 301-387-3044.

  3. Submit all official transcripts to Records & Registration.


  4. Schedule an appointment with an academic advisor.

    Once accepted to Garrett College, 招生部将与您联系,安排与学术顾问的预约.

  5. Submit Certification of VA Educational benefits from the VA.

    You must complete:

    You may need complete:

  6. Complete a Letter of Intent EACH semester

    意向书必须在每学期完成(与学校认证官员一起),其中福利正在处理中. 学生有责任更新该表格,以了解所有时间表的变化.

  7. Report ALL schedule/degree changes and contact information

    所有使用退伍军人福利的学生都必须报告所有变化, including but not limited to: contact information, class schedule, adds/drops/withdraws, 或成绩不完整,应立即向学校核证官员提交. 在加/退期后退学可能会招致退伍军人事务部的债务.

Services to Veterans:

  • GI Bill® Calculator ( )
  • Student Veterans of America Club
    • The Student Veterans Club was formed to serve Garrett College 退伍军人学生,军人学生和有家庭的学生 members of those in the military. Previous activities include 会议,演讲嘉宾,旅行和其他活动提供 一个在相互支持的环境中进行正式和社交聚会的场所.
  • On-Campus Exclusive Veteran Lounge
  • On-Campus VA Benefit Representatives monthly

To discuss any VA questions you may have please contact 301-387-3057

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government Web site at